So. Not so good.
If you had a chance to go and see my results, you will see that I finished. In about 5:11:06. Not very good, I have to say. Lots of excuses as to why, but the end result is that I did not perform nearly as well as I had hoped and as well as my training had indicated I would perform. I was better trained than I had ever been. However, when one's right foot falls asleep, or more correctly, when the big toe and the one beside it fall asleep, there is not much one can do but try to make it through.

So that's my big excuse.
The blow by blow goes something like this:
Start to Mile 2: 7 a.m .start and met up with Monica, a woman I had met on and who lives nearby, had her second child in June, has a twin sister who was going to meet her at mile 18 to run the final 8 miles. We ran the first couple miles together, chatting the entire way. At mile 2, I saw the time was 20:30 and I thought there was no way I wanted to run that slow the entire way, so I left Monica and started surging forward.
Miles 2 - 6: Felt fantastic. Clocked in at mile 6 at around 55:00 and felt so darn good. Started listening to music at mile 6. Saw Warren at Mile 6. He said I looked strong. I felt strong, even though mine nose was running and I started hacking up my lungs. My cold was still hanging around making me a wee bit miserable.
Miles 6-13: Still felt really good, but starting to have problems with my right foot. Stopped and walked through one water stop while gulping gatorade. Really hungry. Had eaten sushi the day before for lunch and not a lot of dinner. Not a wise move. Saw Warren at Mile 13 at about 2:05, so lost a bit off my pace. Told him I was not feeling quite as strong. Still had runny nose, cough and bad foot.
Miles 13 - 17: Stopped and walked a lot frequently. Stopped and took off my right shoe several times in an attempt to get my foot and toes to have some feeling. Choked back tears several times.
Miles 17-19: Walked most of these two miles. Thought about quitting several times. Saw Warren at mile 18 and wanted to quit. Somehow convinced myself that I was going to finish even if I walked the last 8 miles. Hit mile 18 at 3:20 or so.
Miles 19-23: Talked myself into trying to run again because walking was too darn slow. Thought that if I could alternate running for 11 min / walking for 11 min, then dropping a minute and run 10 min / walk 10 min, etc., I would cover the ground slowly but surely and maybe cover 5 mi in an hour. So I did it. Not too fun, but did it. My foot was just awful.
Miles 23-24: Probably my favorite part of the course. We had turned from the Silverado Trail to streets in Napa, but still out in the boonies with small vineyards everywhere. I had remembered in years' past that there was a water stop that gave out sorbet. Sure enough, they were there with five different flavors in itty bitty cups. Perfect. The sun had started to shine an hour back and it was starting to get warm.
Miles 24-25.5: Ran most of this. Someone remarked that I was running strong. Bwahahaha. No way. I was shuffling. But, Sexyback was on the iPod and I knew I could run to that.
Miles 25.5-26: My hands were numb. How the hell does that happen? It started to scare me. I was tired of being upright. The finish line is surely around the next corner, isn't it?
Miles 26-26.2: Saw Warren. He told me to run it is. Pump It by the BEPs was on the iPod. I shuffled on in. 5:11:06. Some big man passed me one step from the finish. I freaking hate that. He had to pass a girl, didn't he? Oh well, I am sure it meant something to him. And in the cattle run afterward, some woman passed me. I am sure her time was one second behind mine and mine was one second ahead and her passing me put her ahead. Blech.
At the end, took my shoes off. There was no way I was putting those suckers back on. Found Warren. Tried not to cry. Couldn't help it. Cried anyway. But that sucks, too, as I didn't have enough air to begin with. Told him there was no way I was doing this ever again.
Went back to the hotel, which was not fun as the 30 min drive sucked when I was so uncomfortable. It took at least an hour for my foot to feel normal. I laid down and napped after my shower. Then we headed to Mustard's for dinner. OMG. It was amazing.
Next day, I contemplated my next race. Do I have another marathon in me? If I could solve the foot / shoe problem, would I do it again? If so, when? Where? With whom? I had to do another. I do not accept 5:11 as a good time. It pisses me off, frankly, and at myself, not at anything or anyone else.
So, Gretchen. October 20. Kansas City. Let me think on it, okay? Let me get one good race behind me and see if I can dig deep and do it again, only better.
T, what you did on Sunday is much more impressive than what I did on Sunday (nothing). I think you are amazing for finishing under those circumstances. How was the rest of the trip?
Next race: How about the Boulder Backroads in September?
I think you are amazing too. I ache for the dissappointment you feel. I am so glad you guys were there for extra days after to enjoy and spend time together.
Aw, sweetie, I am so sorry the race didn't turn out like you hoped. But I agree, you are SO amazing for not only going for it in the first place but for toughing it out when you were having such a rough time. The tough times really show your character more when then when you are flying through a race, I would think. I am truly in awe of you.
And if you guys do Boulder Backroads, I swear Bryan, Declan and I will be there every step of the way to root you!!!
Love ya, babes.
I know the race was not at all want you wanted it to be. However, I think to finish and keep moving forward in light of all of the problems, is a huge, huge accomplishment.
I am sorry that it didn't turn out as you wanted, I know you trained so hard for it and had high expectations. The shoe/foot thing sounds horrible, I've had it happen and wanted to quit what I was doing and it certainly wasn't running for hours.
Take care!
You did it. The first is always the hardest, or so my dad says.
I am so sorry it wasn't everything you wanted it to be.
Find a good 20k and go from there.
You're my hero, Ferris!
Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.
I think you're amazing.
Sorry, sweetie! I know you are disappointed but you are so freakin' amazing!!!! You should just be proud that you did it.
I am proud of you and you are such an inspiration to others, me included!
I'm sorry you feel so disappointed, but I think you should be proud of the fact that you stuck it out and finished! Me, I would've quit on like Mile 1!
Funny about the toes thing - I have been having the same problem on my left foot lately and am wondering why since I haven't run in weeks. I am going to try upping my B12 and see if that helps some because my MIL had the same issue and a B12 shot helped her a lot.
Congratulations on finishing!
My dad's run at least 2 dozen marathons, and he's had a few heartbreakers like yours. It is quite impressive that you finished!
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